Freitag, 3. Januar 2014

Newsletter January 2014

Newsletter  January 2014 
Workshops & Kurse

Wishing you a very

On the 1st of January the first New Moon of the Year, the first day of the Year of Light, Birth and Balance.
Spend the next few days reflecting on 2013 and what things you'd like to work on in 2014. 
It could be a spacific Asana or just to show more gratitude, ect.
Write them down and spend some time affirming these goals. 
Each day we should work on being better than we were yesterday 
~Eaglewolf Spirit/ Miami Life Center

„My Workshop's 

1) On the 11th of January between 14:30-17:30h.
The last wunderfull “Vinyasa Flows of Chakras” goes on with Asanas, Pranayamas, Mantras & Mudras.
This last Episode of the Sahasra Chakra will be filled with stability, it will be calming, soothing, filled with activity in a 360 dagree angle and your world will be turned upside down...
The meaning of the word 'Sahasrara', is:
1000 petalled lotus, it's generally considered to be the chakra of pure consciousness, within which there is neither object nor subject.
When the sleeping female energy (Kundalini Shakti) is rising up to this point, it units with the male energy (Shiva) and the state of liberating samadhi (complete absorption of the individual consciousness in the self at the time of death) is attained. 
Sahasrara's inner aspect deals with the release of karma also the physical action with meditation. It hold's power and strength, it hold's together/ together within and emotional action with beingness.

We will also have a short look on the Ajna Chakra.
Shiva governs the sixth chakra and controls the subtle mind, thereby teaching us how to control our desires and compulsions. 
Hakini Shakti rules with Shiva as the gatekeeper of the third eye. She has six heads, which represent enlightenment, though control, concentration, meditation, superconscious concentration, and undivided attention. 

...Join me and you will see...
I would love to welcome you ALL..male or female!
Rise your energy, feel & become one with yourself!

English & german speakers are welcome!
For more information go to /

"Free Yoga Classes at the Lululemon Showroom in Frankfurt"

HAHAAAAA....take a look...check it out!!!

Saturday 04th of January, 2014
a free Vinyasa Yoga class with me at the Lululemon Frankfurt Showroom
English & german speakers are welcome!
For more information please view

"My regular Yoga Classes"

“Deep relaxation Yoga” (inspired through Yin Yoga principle)
Tuesday's at 18:30-19:45h
Sunday's at 14:15-15:30h
English & german speakers are welcome!
For more information please view

"Vinyasa Yoga"
Monday's at 10:00-11:30h
Tuesday's at 20:00-21:30h
Friday's at 10:00-11:30h
Sunday's at 12:30-14:00h
English & german speakers are welcome!
For more information please view

"Business Yoga" 

Monday's, Wensday's & Friday's

"Private Yoga Classes (up to two students)"

on request
Please write me:

A special THANKS to the Yoginis & Yogis who trust in my Yoga teachings...Love & big hugs to ALL of you!! Not to forget much love, respect & gratitude to all my teachers!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH 

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